Det er et stykke tid siden vores sidste opdatering. Så vi har nogle gode funktioner at dele med dig!
Priser / Priser
En af vores største ændringer er prismodellen, når vi går fra periodeprissætning til dagsprissætning. Og det gør vi uden kompromiser. Hvorfor? Dagspriser er nemmere at sætte op, vedligeholde og er nemmere at forstå for gæsterne.
Kan disse priser også deles med tredjeparter meget hurtigt, og er systemet klar til at håndtere dynamisk prissætning? Vi har åbnet op for priserne for dig, så du kan lege med det.
Vigtig: Tilslut ikke en pris til en bolig endnu! Prisberegningen vil så forsøge at beregne prisen med de nye takster, og de er ikke tilgængelige i version 1.
Ok, fine day pricing….. But how do I set up a week, weekend or midweek price? This is possible by setting periods. Just as we have done in the example above.
If the guest books for a week and the week price is cheaper than the day pricing, it will serve the weekly rate.
One rate can also be connected to multiple accommodations. So if you have similar accommodations with the same pricing, you only need to maintain only one rate.
Options, Discounts and Taxes…… = Products
Products are playing an important role within Because these are the base for all the pricing in the system. Like options, discounts and taxes, they all start with selecting a product. The benefit is that you can use the same products in all accommodations.
For each accommodation you can set conditions for these products. When do we need to show the option? When the guest stays longer than 7 nights? Or do they get a discount if they stay longer? Now you have endless possibilities and maximum flexibility in how to serve your guests.
Other benefits are there for accounting, moving reservations between accommodations and reporting will be easier.
Custom fields
In version 1 we already support custom fields, only in the next version we will bring this to a whole new level. We have added new types like a number, country or date fields.
The beauty of these new custom fields is that you can also use them in lists (columns), in search, filters, reporting and online booking.
Form setup
Now you have complete flexibility in the fields that are shown in the online booking form and the backoffice form when you create a new reservation. With an easy Drag and Drop editor you can manage the fields for the main traveler, co-travelers and the booker. Easely set what’s required and not.
We have reorganized and transferred most of the settings to the new dashboard. You are now able to set up most of your park from the new interface.
We have created a new tab in the reservation overview with logs. Here you are able to view all changes to the reservation in detail. With the built-in audit trail you are able to see who has made changes and what changes he/she made.
Also e-mails will be logged in detail now, you can see when an email has been sent, delivered (or not) and how many times they guest opened / clicked the email.
We have a busy month to go but it looks like we will be ready at the end of the month for a launch. Then we will do a full migration of data (Now it’s possible that not all your history is in the beta.) and will open it up for the public
Most Asked Questions…
Behøver jeg at gøre noget?
No, this process will be automated and will not affect your current account.
Do we need to switch to the new version directly?
Nej, til næste sæson har du valget om du arbejder med version 1 eller med den nye version af